Our Services

For healthcare providers that offer critical care services, optimizing the medical billing process is a primary focus area to ensure sustained, long-term operations. From streamlining the complex collections process to overcoming continual declines in reimbursements and satisfying HIPAA requirements, there are a number of tasks that constitute the medical billing process and lead to the successful close of a revenue generation cycle. Outsourcing to e2eRCM Services, a leading Medical Billing Outsourcing Services company, will enable your healthcare business to accelerate the pace of revenue generation, reduce operational expenses and increase the efficiency delivered by the system.


Claims Transmission

Once the charges are entered and audited, the claims are then filed with the payer electronically. We also have the capability to process paper claims. Usually at clearing houses, the claims go through some type of cursory filtering software to ensure that they are accurate and all information is contained within the document. Within 24 hours, a paper report is sent back with errors that have been caught. Once we have the report, the incorrect claims are rectified with the necessary information within 24 hours and the claims are resubmitted to the insurance company.