Our Services

For healthcare providers that offer critical care services, optimizing the medical billing process is a primary focus area to ensure sustained, long-term operations. From streamlining the complex collections process to overcoming continual declines in reimbursements and satisfying HIPAA requirements, there are a number of tasks that constitute the medical billing process and lead to the successful close of a revenue generation cycle. Outsourcing to e2eRCM Services, a leading Medical Billing Outsourcing Services company, will enable your healthcare business to accelerate the pace of revenue generation, reduce operational expenses and increase the efficiency delivered by the system.


Charge Entry

The charges from the coded documents are entered into the particular patient account. If the patient is new and an account number does not exist as yet, then the patient account is created by entering all the demographic details from the patient registration form. Before transmitting the claims to the insurance payer through the clearing house, the entered charges are audited by the Quality Assurance (QA) team to ensure a 'clean claim' is submitted.